‘Ask Santa Anything’ in this festive WebAR experience, powered by Niantic 8th Wall and Inworld AI

Ilya PlatonovDecember 06, 2023
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This holiday season, we’ve partnered with the team at Niantic 8th Wall to present an enchanting 'Ask Santa Anything' WebAR experience - an interactive adventure that is built using 8th Wall’s Inworld AI Integration Module. This project is a powerful example of the capabilities of the Inworld module, which makes it easy for developers to incorporate AI NPCs into their own WebAR experiences. ‘Ask Santa Anything’ allows you to immerse yourself in a festive personalized interaction with Santa Claus that brings this childhood character to life.

A powerful integration

Santa's lifelike interactions and warm personality truly shine in this experience, thanks to the Inworld Character Engine, which allows Santa to navigate unique conversations, respond in-character, and exhibit emotional intelligence. And because the experience is built on 8th Wall, it’s built for a browser experience that makes it universally accessible to everyone. To make the experience more festive, Santa appears using 8th Wall's Sky Effects + World Tracking. With this feature, point your phone at the sky and watch as your world transforms into a dark and snowy WebAR world as Santa makes his descent from his sleigh to the ground in front of you.

Experience Santa for yourself

To start your journey with Santa, there’s no app required. Simply scan the QR code below or visit asksanta.app on your mobile browser, step outside, and begin the experience. Ring the virtual bell to witness Santa's magical appearance, watch as the sky transforms, and engage in a personalized conversation with Santa himself. Choose from preset questions or ask your own to enjoy a unique and immersive AR experience.

Simplify creativity with our 8th Wall WebAR module

Following the success of Wol, an experience that combines an Inworld AI-powered owl with a mixed reality environment, we joined forces with Niantic to develop 8th Wall's inaugural Inworld AI Integration Module and the Rainbow Crunchies sample project. The module bypasses the complexity of backend processes and integration, leaving WebAR developers with the simple task of entering their API key to get started. 

Try the Inworld AI Integration Module or Rainbow Crunchies sample project for yourself!

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